Monday, December 23, 2013


So the car broke down. Matt was driving home when all of the sudden the car slowly came to a halt. Turns on and off but just doesn't go any where. Pretty much the clutch is out and it's going to be around a grand to fix. Oh joy. You know I was thinking that it was probably about time for something else to break down. Last week the dryer reached the end of her existence. Good old gal she couldn't bare to do another load. She did well, she lived, she dried and then she died. Why is it that appliances don't last like they used to? It's a conspiracy I tell you!

At least the car broke down Wednesday night. I don't work Thursday or Fridays and this weekend I also had off. So I remained stuck, trapped, stranded at the house with the pirate.

I had nothing pressing I needed to do. No errands to run or places to go but not having the freedom to do so is awful! You think to yourself... What if? What if I needed to go to the grocery store to get delicious ingredients to make some sort of 5 tier cake master piece? Or what if I had an intense craving for a peppermint mocha and I needed to go to the coffee shop? Or what if I sliced open my finger yet again using my awesome chef skills and needed a stitch or two!? Good thing my in laws live 6 miles away! Dramatization over.

We went to the very last holidazzle parade Saturday! So sad it has ended, I've been going since I was little! What the heck is holidazzle you ask? Only the greatest winter parade there is! It's in downtown Minneapolis at night on the weekends. The floats and all the people in the parade are covered in lights.What a fun slightly dorky thing to do in the cold of winter. We need to get out and inhale some fresh air anyway, might as well watch a lighted winter parade! It wasn't too terribly cold and my little human did fabulous! He was going off only 1 nap and did great at a late dinner after the parade. He was such a delirious little ham! Goofy and giggly, better than a total hot mess I suppose!

What else is there to do when everyone starts to get stir crazy!? Get outside and lick some snow flakes! I guess we spent a decent amount of time outside in the last week. Shoveling, playing in the snow, sledding, crying in the snow, cursing the snow, day dreaming of warmth and tropical climates. You know, the typical winter thing.

My little shovel helper!

Sledding with dad! Note his horizontal position ha ha.

Happy December! T-minus 2 days till Christmas! Can you even believe it? Noah's 1st Christmas yay!

-Over and Out

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